Festejos em Lourenço Marques pela passagem dos territórios do Niassa para a posse do Estado / Festivities in Lourenço Marques

by Fernandes Tomaz
(Documentary, Portugal, 1929, 6', BW, silent, Fr ST)

Festejos em Lourenço Marques pela passagem dos territórios do Niassa para a posse do Estado

This documentary is filmed in the capital of Mozambique, Lourenço Marques, on the day of the celebration of the integration of the province of Niassa into the territory of the colony. A train arrives at the station, the flags are hoisted, fireworks are fired. In the wide avenues, to the sound of the bands, the popular processions parade. European ladies and gentlemen wearing hats rub shoulders with Mozambicans, more numerous and rather well dressed.

The Cinematographic Brigades of 1929

In order to make known the colonies of the Empire in the international exhibitions that are multiplying in Europe, the General Agency of Colonies sends three “Cinematographic Brigades” to Africa. The Army Film Service sends its operator Augusto Seara to the islands of São Tomé and Prince and then to Guinea-Bissau. Another film crew, composed of António Antunes da Mata, director, and operator César de Sá, will bring back from Angola a dozen short films. The Mozambique Brigade is led by Fernandes Tomaz. These teams produced several short films, some of which were presented in the Ibero-American Exhibition in Seville (1929), the International, Colonial, Maritime and Flemish Art Exhibition in Antwerp (1930) and the International Colonial Exhibition in Paris (1931). The four films dated 1929 are particularly interesting for the eclecticism of their subjects and treatments. They reveal that the missions were probably not very defined in terms of content and political objectives.

Other movies: Season France-Portugal 2022

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