La Fonte / თუჯ
by Otar Iosseliani
(Documentary, USSR/Georgia, 1964, 17’, BW, no dialogues)
After the banning of his second film April, Iosseliani worked for a few months in a metallurgical factory. A poetic and committed vision, the film La Fonte shows the harsh reality of the working-class world.
“Iosseliani’s tone is new and personal, because it puts less emphasis on Vulcan’s forges than on the men who work there. … Men watched by an attentive and loving “camera-eye”. Georges Sadoul, Les Lettres françaises, 2 September 1965.
“This sober and rigorous exercise in style, based on the refusal of both the picturesque and the anecdotal, reveals an author about to assert himself as the most specifically Georgian of his peers, in an authentically national cinematography, to prove that it is remaining rooted in profound cultural identity that we can best achieve the universal.” Marcel Martin, Le cinéma soviétique de Khrouchtchev à Gorbatchev, ed. L’Âge d’Homme, p. 77.