Miguel Spiguel (1921-1975) produced and shot dozens of documentaries in Portugal, but mainly, with support of state funding, in Mozambique and in the Oriental territories (Macao, Goa, Timor). His meticulous documentaries are advertisements for the singularities of the Portuguese colonies.

Macau, Joia do Oriente

The purpose of this film is to discover largely unknown Macao. The ancient monuments, the statues of the discoverers, the modern buildings of the settlers' quarter testify to the Portuguese presence, while the commentary states that the overseas presence is not built on domination but that it is “a cauldron of many ethnic groups, a [...]

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Beira, Porta Turistica de Moçambique

On a very cheerful pop music, this film praises the beauties of the landscapes, wildlife, modern architecture and the sweet life of the settlers. Many tourists came from nearby White Rhodesia to indulge in the pleasures of the sea, hotels, safaris. The few Mozambicans are employed to serve them. This film was shot while a [...]

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