Born in 1933, Axel Corti began to work for the theater in 1958. Two years later, he was invited by the Vienna Burgtheater to debut as assistant to the greatest Austrian theater directors. In the 1960s he wrote and directed films for the leading Austrian and European production companies. Thanks to his trilogy Welcome in Vienna / Wohin und Zurück he became the best-known Austrian radical and avant-garde director. His film A Woman’s Pale Blue Handwriting (1984) was acclaimed by the critics. In 1968, he launched a weekly radio news and opinion program to which he remained attached until his death in 1993. Corti was and remains one of the most important figures in the Austrian cultural universe: as much for his 30-year radio and television career, as for his work as director, screenwriter, opera director, genius of modern theater, and teacher. For all that, he received many prestigious prizes and awards.

Welcome in Vienna – Part 1 : God does not believe in us anymore

Vienna 1938: after Crystal Night and the murder of his father by the Nazis, Jewish teenager Ferry Tobler flees Austria. He ends up in Prague, where he meets Gandhi, an anti-Nazi German soldier who has escaped from Dachau, and Alea, a young Czech women in charge of caring for refugees. They make their way to [...]

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Welcome in Vienna – Partie 2 : Santa Fe

New York 1940: persecuted earlier in Austria as a Jew, then stigmatized as an immigrant in New-York, Freddy Wolf is soon considered a German enemy when the United States enters the war. He decides to enlist in the American army to return to Europe and fight the Nazis.

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Welcome in Vienna – Partie 3 : Welcome in Vienna

1945, Vienna. The war is over. Freddy Wolff and Georges Adler, immigrants to the United States, have become soldiers in the American army. Vienna is in ruins and divided into four zones. The black market reigns. Austria passes itself off as the innocent victim of Nazism and refuses to accept the truth. People adapt to [...]

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